Honoring Memorial Day

Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of national remembrance of the men and women who serve or have served in our Armed Services. We honor the tremendous contributions of the countless men and women who sacrificed life and limb to protect the rights and liberties we cherish and often take for granted. We also extend our heartfelt appreciation to the enlisted men and women who, by their daily service, demonstrate their love of country and humanity.
On Memorial Day, please take a moment to extend prayer and moment of thanks to those who have served or currently serve in our Armed Services. And give thanks for living in a country that guarantees its citizenry “liberty and justice for all.”
Let us also say a prayer for the people of Buffalo, New York and Uvalde, Texas. May they feel our condolences and support through our prayers. With heavy hearts, we will love our country through this.
This weekend marks the beginning of summer for many of us. As we head into the warmer months, let us enjoy each other and the bounty we share. Let us be united in love, gratitude, strength and appreciation – that is, in fact, what makes all things possible.
With love in my heart,

James Morton
President and CEO
YMCA of Greater Boston