Welcoming Suzanne McCormick

The YMCA of Greater Boston, America’s first Y, welcomes you, Suzanne McCormick, as our 15th President and CEO of the Y-USA.
We offer our congratulations and support, as you embark on this important role, at this critical time in the history of our nation and movement. As we struggle with a triple pandemic (COVID-19, racial polarization and injustice, and disparities in health, education and employment), it is imperative that the Y-USA remain bold and courageous in guiding us, as a movement, in addressing these issues.
We trust that you will elevate and reaffirm the Y-USA’s commitment to the Equity Agenda, as created by the African-American CEO’s, and the Multicultural Leadership Development Institute (MEDI), which served as one of America’s best and most impactful staff/leadership training initiative. The Equity Agenda and MEDI embody our commitment, as an anti-racist organization and movement, to reflecting the communities we serve. We anticipate that you will “champion” the fight for diversity, equity and inclusion; as our first woman in the role of President/CEO, we presume that your life experience has informed your understanding of, and commitment to, DEI.
I am one of many YMCA equity leaders who will join you in this work/fight – we stand ready and prepared. I look forward to making your personal acquaintance in the short-term. I wish you great success in your new role.

James O’S. Morton, Esq.
YMCA of Greater Boston